Social systems
A Band of traveling hunters that move when they have exhausted their resources. They live and operate high in the trees to avoid predators and passerbys below. They feed on creatures found on their elevation, from fruits, leaves and small mammals. The hunters consist of a single chieftain and his partner that organizes most of the band’s activities. A dominant trait of the people is their tough leather like skin that they have adapted to due to the rough bark and thorns in the trees. Their culture is very much reliant on their physical enriment and they change according to that. They also are able to share ideas and collections of data through written scripts on big leaves on paper that are stored in bags made out of tree bark. Encounters are often rare but other bands sometimes but just for the purpose of passing on information. Their mythos and ideology believes in life after death and they worship a nature deity, similar to mother nature. Their primary form of c...