
Mark Evan Lim
World Building
Theme Park Design


Fjord is the land of the vikings. Rich in history and with character, here you get to discover the man within you and fight like a warrior while you dine like a king. Located on the island, a small outpost at the shore will be your guide through the rough terrain till reaching the village. While on trail, be aware of the island’s creatures and greenery for they have a mind of their own. This will also be your first encounter with the vikings as several of them have set up shop along the trail to provide you with the tools and grub to last you over the hill to the village.

Here you will get to experience what it takes to be part of the clan and try your luck at archery and sparing with the warriors. Your first stop when entering would be the inn where you can check in and get assigned your room and your viking name and custom clan emblem stitched on your garments. Once unpacked, a stop by the local tavern next door will quench your thirst while not forgetting to try their famous turkey legs with their unique viking spice rub. Coming out of tavern you will be summoned by the guild to participate in their training to see if you are capable of becoming one of them. Draw your arms at the armory located adjacent to the tavern and pick the best the weapon that fits your personality before entering the training grounds in the back. Choose three obstacle courses to test your limits and witty against fellow vikings and compete for the title of the viking warrior. During your training, take a break and admire the scenery along the cliffs of the training grounds and let your hair down with the cool sea breeze while watching new travelers sail into Berg. Those who want to take their training to the next level can opt for a private lesson and more practical approach by taking a short trail into the woods for a demonstration on hunting and surviving. 

As the sun sets, the vikings do not believe in working after dark and prefer to spend it relaxing in each other’s company and so the party begins with a huge buffet spread for all to enjoy from the day’s hunt and fresh crops. After which conclude your night with a show of sorts from the chief shaman about the mythical spirits and embrace your inner warrior.


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