Worlds and Archetypes
With a parade of yesterday featuring floats of iconic characters from your childhood cartoons, lights dazzle and amaze on floats that synchronize with the music. As they make their way down the streets of New York towards Sci-fi land. Home of innovation and the futuristic, Sci-fi land’s main attraction is the Omni-ball that transport guest on a tour of the land and how technology can help improve our everyday living. While on the Omni-ball, you might catch a glimpse of the fields of the Wild west golf course. Here you can play a round of golf against your friends in a western setting where a murder has recently been under investigation.
Character’s such as the Omni-ball mechanic help demonstrate that technology is here to stay and is not meant to replace our jobs. While performing, guest will have the opportunity to give a shot at fixing or troubleshooting a test Omin-ball. Veronica is our best mechanic and scored the highest at the Omni Sci High School, be sure to learn as much as you can from her if you want to impress your friends. Over in the Wild-west land, some golfers and detectives can be found at the nearby shack sipping on some drinks while interacting and asking guest for their help in solving the mystery murder. Be sure to stay clear of detective Jim, he has a nasty temper and is always looking to put the blame on someone, a result of a bad divorce. Lastly, just before leaving the park, be sure to stop by the streets of New York to see several performers busking along the streets showing off skills like magic, art and singing. A popular one, Merlin the magician, dazzles his audiences with sleight of hand and his finale is sure to leave you with a daze as you and him create miracles out of everyday objects, you might even leave with a souvenir of sorts .
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